The16thWorld Conference Cities and Ports was held in Quebec City, Canada from 11thto 14thJune 2018. The Port of Quebec hosted AIVP’s 16th World Conference.
Port Authority of Dubrovnik as a member of the AIVP was represented by Mr.Dario Barbaric,Port Facility Security Officer, Environmental and Quality Manager.
The event also marked the thirtieth anniversary of AIVP’s creation, and the "Next Generation” that was at the heart of the debate.
During the conference many workshops took place:
- Workshop 1: The waterfront Next Generation? I’m living and working here!
-Workshop 2: Healthier, greener: my port city environment Next Generation.
-Workshop 3: Training, learning, creativity: my education Next Generation.
-Workshop 4: Carbon free, circular: the port industry Next Generation.
-Workshop 5: A smarter logistic: my mobility Next Generation
-Workshop 6: City, Port, Citizens: the co-construction Next Generation.
The conference gathered many participants from maritime business, cities authorities, stakeholders and many others on discussions of ports and cities cooperations and integrations.