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Danas su u Ministarstvu pomorstva, prometa i infrastrukture, ravnatelj Lučke Uprave Dubrovnik dr. sc. Antun Asić, kap. i predsjednik Uprave Dubrovnik Internationa Cruise Port Investment gosp. Arpak Demircan i član uprave gosp. Dragos Victor Stefanescu, potpisali Predugovor Ugovoru o koncesiji za gradnju i korištenje Putničkog Terminala Gruž. Potpisivanju je nazočio Ministar pomorstva, prometa i infrastrukture gosp. Oleg Butković i gđa. Nina Perko,, predsjednica Upravnog vijeća Lučke uprave Dubrovnik. 
Na osnovu razvojnih planova Lučke uprave Dubrovnik i prostornih planova Grada Dubrovnika, krajem rujna 2014. godine Upravno vijeće Lučke uprave Dubrovnik objavilo je međunarodni natječaj za koncesiju za izgradnju i gospodarsko korištenje 25.096 m² lučkog područja. Predmet natječaja  obuhvatio je izgradnju terminala za putnike na kružnim putovanjima, trgovački centar s garažom i međunarodni i lokalni autobusni kolodvor, te pružanje usluga ukrcaja i iskrcaja putnika na kružnim putovanjima. Nakon drugog obvezujućeg kruga natječaja 10. rujna 2015. godine zaprimljena je jedna ponuda, ponuditelja Dubrovnik International Cruise Port Investment d.o.o. Zagreb ( DICPI), čiji su osnivači francuska Global Ports Holding  i građevinska grupa Bouygues Batiment International S.A. Global Ports Holding tvrtka specijalizirana za razvoj i upravljanje cruise i trgovačkim lukama, te danas upravlja lukama Akdeniz , Ege , Bodrum,  Barcelona Cruise port, Lisabon - terminal za cruisere, Malaga Cruise port, Singapore Cruise port, Luka Bar.
Nakon evaluacije ponude, Odluku o davanju koncesije Upravno vijeće Lučke uprave Dubrovnik donijelo je 13. listopada 2015. godine. Prema ponudi koncesionar bi ukupno u projekt uložio 93,7 milijuna Eura, s pravom korištenja objekata i pružanja lučkih usluga ukrcaja i iskrcaja putnika u periodu od 40 godina.  Početak gradnje planiran je u listopadu 2016. godine, s rokom završetka do kolovoza 2018., a planira se izgraditi oko 40 tisuća m²  bruto građevinske površine. 
Ponuđena koncesijska naknada dvostruko je veća od tražene natječajem, te se ukupno za cjelokupno koncesijsko razdoblje očekuje koncesijska naknada u iznosu preko 25 milijuna eura. 
Investicija je značajna za razvoj luke, poglavito njen dominirajući segment cruise turizma.  Uz to, ovo je prvi korak u razvoju ovog dijela Dubrovnika, koji će inicirati ostale projekte u bližoj okolini prema razvojnim planovima Grada, proširujući brojnim sadržajima ponudu za građane, turiste i izletnike. 

Press Communication- on the 15th of February 2016

Global Port Holding ("GPH”) and Bouygues Batiment International("BBI”) , the Shareholders of the Project Company: Dubrovnik International Cruise Port Investment d.o.o.("DICPI"), are proud and happy to announce the execution of the preliminary Concession Contract for the development, financing, construction and operating of the mixed use infrastructure project within the maritime domain of the Dubrovnik Gruz Port.
Both sponsors have an extensive track record in developing and operating similar facilities around the world.
GPH is the world’s largest cruise port operator, with in excess of 5m passenger visitors to its ports and operates a portfolio of 9 cruise ports including Barcelona, the largest Cruise Port in Mediterranean, 
Construction of Lisbon Cruise Terminal which will be completed by the end of 2016 is the most  recent terminal development project of GPH. Award winning, state of art terminal building will be a contemporary interpretation of Lisbon’s vibrant lifestyle.
Bouygues  has developed and built the preeminent Asia's cruise hub "KAI TAK"  in Hong Kong and is currently building the New Airport of Zagreb which will be delivered  in September of this year , 4 months ahead of the scheduled opening.  
In Gruz Port,the Concessionnaire  plans  an outstanding project including a new Cruise Terminal, a modern and functional Shopping Mall, a multi story Garage and the main international City Bus station . Its  ambition is to create a new and iconic address, a very modern replica of the historical city center, located at only few kilometers away. The investment will be secured by the 2 Sponsors and completed by a loan ;  due to its high potential and  strategic location,  as the only available plot of land in the central area of the city of Dubrovnik , the project's development interests  several major international and local banks. 
"The works on site are planned to start on September /October 2016 and to be completed before the end 2018.  
The best in class Croatian construction companies will  be associated to its realization , such as Kamgrad, King ICT, KFK, etc.
More than 250 jobs will be created during the construction works.
We do believe  that the partnership with the Dubrovnik Port Authority("DPA") representing the Republic of Croatia's government and the local authorities of the city of Dubrovnik, will help us to launch the revitalization  of this new part of the city , giving a strong impulse for the development of the "Pearl of Adriatic " , commented Victor Stefanescu – Bouygues’ Southern Europe Director
Dubrovnik Gruz Port is located cca.3km away from the Old Town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination in the southern Croatia. Considered as a "Marquee Port" (a must-see port), the Gruz Port is the 10th largest in the world and 3rd largest in the Mediterranean in terms of cruise transit passengers, with an annual passenger number of c.1 million. Furthermore, the ongoing efforts to increase capacity of Cilipi (Dubrovnik) Airport, along with the planned direct highway connection to Dubrovnik , should support the  growth of  the cruise passengers.’ number.  
Dubrovnik region is one of the most excuisite  tourist destinations in the Mediterranean, hosting in excess of 5m overnight stays annually, in addition to cruise passengers and daily tourists . The Gruz Port is located in the city center, and will cater to locals cruise and non cruise passengers visiting the city.
Saygin Narin CEO of GPH commented "Sponsors main  goal is support to sustainability of Dubrovnik by creating a second attraction center after the Old Town, and reduce congestion particularly during the high-season period . The project will also significantly contribute to the management of the traffic challenge in the City as it includes, multi-story garage, cruise bus park and international city bus station”.
"GPH has already  strong relations with all stakeholders of the cruise industry and will implement an enhanced destination marketing program, targeting cruise lines and tour operators, which will not only contribute to increase in cruise traffic but also to endorse tourism in Dubrovnik & Croatia.”
Global Ports Holding 
Global Ports Holding (GPH) is an unique operator and developer of cruise and commercial ports with an established presence in the Mediterranean and Asia-Pacific regions, including extensive commercial and port operations in Turkey and Montenegro. Established in 2004, GPH became world’s largest cruise port operator owing to breakthroughs.
GPH currently operates a total of 9 leading ports/terminals in 6 countries, namely, Barcelona Cruise Port, Malaga Cruise Port, Lisbon Cruise Port, Valletta Cruise Port, Ege Ports-Kusadasi, Bodrum Cruise Port, Port Akdeniz-Antalya, Port of Adria- Bar (Montenegro), Singapore Cruise Port. " " "Dubrovnik Gruz Port  will be the 10th Cruise Terminal in our portfolio;  addition of the Gruz Port  will further boost our  leading position in the Mediterranean Cruise Market.  GPH expects to host  more than c.5mn passengers by 2016 year-end, which corresponds to a notable c.19% market share in the Mediterranean" declared Saygin Narin. 
Bouygues Batiment International  
Part  of   Bouygues Group , a global player in construction and services with operations in 80 countries , Bouygues Batiment International (BBI) has developed high-level expertise in property development ,public-private partnership, concessions and technically complex projects all over the world.
"Our continuous aim is to offer our customers a responsible approach which factors in the technical,environmental and social issues associated with a project. It offers effective solutions spanning the entire lifecycle of a structure or neighbourhood and gives customers long-term commitments to high-level performances, especially in low energy and high environmental quality buildings” added Victor Stefanescu
